
23 January 2021

Unprecedented Surprises in Telework

In many ways, the Forest Service extends its' reach well beyond wildfire management, forestry conservation, and timber sales.

As Deputy Chief of Plans with the Coronavirus Emergency Response Team over the past month or so (uncoincidentally after dealing with a bout of COVID myself) it has become increasingly clear that although we favor the forests, we also favor the people who choose to involve themselves with public land; in one way or another. The employees, contracted individuals, and the public welfare jumped to the top of the list of priorities when COVID-19 began to pose itself a threat. Excitingly and quite frankly, terrifyingly, I am now part of the frontline response to virus outbreaks. 

The frontline response values knowledge and composure. Experienced individuals give emergency instructions to various forests throughout the region to maintain a unified and swift response. Just a few months ago, I was sitting at my desk learning about incidents, and incident command chains. Now I am part of one.

The California Forest Service has a new Incident Commander to respond to the coronavirus, and I was lucky enough to collaborate with him. Quality time with experienced individuals does not happen often here at the Forest Service; likely even less so during a national health crisis, over telework. Moreover my ideas and thoughts for the initiative is being acknowledged at a higher level, which is an extremely validatingthing. I will say that my work with the Forest Service surprises me everyday; it is nothing I could have ever expected.

Agency: U.S Forest Service

Program: Resource Assistant Program (RAP)

Location: Wildland Fire Training Center

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