
“Winter is Coming”
07 November 2022

“Winter is Coming”

Written by: Lane Lopez

Bosque del Apache NWR’s (bosque) fall to winter transition is in full swing and with the colder temperature, brings a new array of bird species to the New Mexico Desert. Winter months are very busy times for bosque and to say that we have been busy would be an understatement. From ‘mosaic mowing’ of wetland management units to prescribed fire efforts, we at bosque are doing everything in our power to fulfill the refuge’s purpose and meet our goals and objectives.

Throughout this internship, I have referred to knowledge gained in the workplace as tools in a toolbelt; well, I can say that I have added many tools to my toolbelt since I last spoke to you all. From assisting with prescribed fire to custom metal fabrication on refuge equipment, I have had my hand in countless projects across the refuge. I have also learned to use the ‘tools’ I already had in my toolbelt more efficiently and effectively and take on different refuge projects independently. In addition to other refuge tasks, I have continued my research and analysis of climate change on bosque, and I am making solid strides towards the project’s conclusion! I have also continued to collect data on bosque’s water resources, and we are seeing great results with that project as well.

I am excited to see what the winter season has in store for me, and I am excited to share my experiences with you all down the line. That is what is so great about working for the USFWS, I am not just gaining essential knowledge that will aid me in career development, I am also gaining countless memories that will last me a lifetime. I am thankful to Hispanic Access Foundation and the USFWS for the opportunity that I have been presented with and will continue to represent my community in a positive and professional manner.

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