23 January 2024

Reaching Out to People

I have never stepped out of the city life. It has been all I've known since the day I was born. However, I always knew there was something out there, beyond the metropolis, that I…
23 January 2024

Successful Tabling Event

As an Urban Community Engagement Fellow, I recently had my first tabling event. Its goal was to promote a new organization dedicated to the creation and maintenance of green spaces in Atlantic City, which is…
17 January 2024

Two Months at Two Rivers

Hi! This first blog will be mostly be an introduction of myself and my fellowship. First things first, the photo for this post is not me; it is one of my coworkers during a bird…
12 January 2024

Month 3: Southerner in the Alaskan Tundra

The beginning of January marks the start of my third month since I moved up to Alaska from the south – that is Chicago, to be more exact (the entire lower 48 is known as…
12 January 2024

Task 2: Picking Up The Pace

These past few months leading up to the new year have been a steady adventure. Picking up from where my previous blog left off, the number of activities has increased. To start, the Refuge was…
12 January 2024

Stephanie and some Scajaquada History - Stephanie y historia sobre Scajaquada

Hello everyone! My name is Stephanie Ibarra and I am the current Urban Community Engagement Fellow for Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge in Basom, NY. For my blog posts, I will cover one of the main…

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Hispanic Access Foundation connects Latinos and others with partners and opportunities to improve lives and create an equitable society.

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