22 March 2023

A Step in the Right Direction

Who knew 12 months could pass by so fast?! My time at Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge feels like a short lived one, but it has been an amazing experience. Stepping into this internship I…
22 March 2023

Last Projects

I am in my last month here at the refuge so it’s time to start wrapping everything up. There are a few projects I have left to complete before ending my term. There are three…
20 March 2023

Signing Off, But Not Signing Out

This may be my last update with you all it, but it does not mean the end of the line for my work and project. This fellowship while I wish could last longer, comes to…
10 March 2023

Internship Extended

In the last blog I wrote I mentioned that I only had two months left here at Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge. That was 10 months into my 12-month long internship. My 12-month long…
14 February 2023

Intersections in Nevada

This past week, I traveled to Reno, Nevada to attend a meeting for the Truckee Meadows Trails Initiative. The coalition associated with this initiative has partnered with the Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation in an effort…
07 February 2023

My Next Steps for the New Year

Hi everyone! It’s been a while since my last blog post. I’ve been offered an extension for this position, so look forward to more posts from me! Although I’ve been working on the same task,…

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Hispanic Access Foundation connects Latinos and others with partners and opportunities to improve lives and create an equitable society.

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