14 October 2022

Finding Clarity 

Saludos! This summer I had been working as an Invasive Species Fellow with American Conservation Experience at John Heinz NWS at Tinicum. This fall, I received the opportunity to extend my stay at John Heinz…
07 October 2022

Initiating my Progress in the Agency

It has been four months since I started as a Recreational Special Uses Resource Assistant and every week, I have had new experiences. Each experience has taught me something new and has shown how diverse…
05 October 2022

The Start of a Great Opportunity!

     On August 16th I began my position as a HAF Advanced Fellow with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters Office. I am working at the division of Visitor Services as part of…
04 October 2022

Wilderness Weed Treatments

Hello everyone, the aspens are changing color, there is a crisp chill in the morning air, and snow has been flying on the summit of Pikes Peak, fall has arrived in the Pike National Forest.…
03 October 2022

MANO Project Interns, Alumni Nationwide Connect to the Outdoors During Latino Conservation Week

As we look back at this year’s Latino Conservation Week, it’s been exciting to see how it’s grown this year–from partners to network members.
30 September 2022

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Hispanic Access Foundation connects Latinos and others with partners and opportunities to improve lives and create an equitable society.

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