31 July 2021

The Importance of Student Participation

This past week, many of the students in the May cohort of the Directorate Fellow Program (DFP) with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) did a round of presentations. These presentations were for projects…
31 July 2021

Web stories and photography training for USFWS External Affairs

The past few weeks I’ve ramped up working on infographics, social media posts, and web stories about Mexican wolves to be used in the rollout of the proposed rule revision, including loading web stories into…
31 July 2021

Achieving Recovery for the San Bruno Elfin Butterfly

I am in the last week of my FWS fellowship and I’m sad to see this experience coming to a close. These last few weeks have been my busiest. Since my last post, I’ve had…
31 July 2021

The Issue of Diversity in the Field of Conservation

The field of art conservation has long been an economically gatekept community: one that, by its very nature, has generally allowed only the independently wealthy to enter.
31 July 2021

Using Data Visualization for Conservation Needs

In science, the concept of data visualization has been rising in its importance. Data visualization is simply the visual or graphical representation of data and information,done through maps, graphs, and other forms of charts. Data…
30 July 2021

Career tradeoffs and Transitions

When I started working in conservation during my undergrad, I only wanted to work outdoors. I enjoyed manual labor and exploring new places, so I conducted seasonal fieldwork for many years. It was an amazing…

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Hispanic Access Foundation connects Latinos and others with partners and opportunities to improve lives and create an equitable society.

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