02 July 2021

Cup Half Full

I'm officially halfway through my program, and I can't believe that went by so fast. It has been an amazing experience being part of the refuge system and seeing how a refuge is ran. Things…
02 July 2021

Rains on the Refuge

Our first summer rains came at the refuge this week. The monsoons are a special time to call the desert home. For a short time each summer, the monotony of 110 degree days is broken…
02 July 2021

Two Women In the Klamath River Country: From 1908 to 2021

The story of two women working for the Department of the Interior - set out to explore the Klamath River in one of the most remote locations in the United States. Travelling from a home…
02 July 2021

Desert Rain and Zuni Fleabane

Another week of my internship meant another listed plant species to familiarize myself with. This time I was looking for Zuni Fleabane, a rhizomatous, wind-pollinated plant that likes steep hillsides at high elevation. The habitat…
02 July 2021

Expanding my skills as a DFP!

One month into the DFP program, and I now have a much fuller, more expansive understanding of the US Fish and Wildlife Service – it’s truly amazing how much the Service does! I am working…
02 July 2021

Collaboration for species conservation

As I continue working with External Affairs in the Southwest Region, I’m impressed by the amount of collaboration between teams and programs.  Of course, everyone in FWS is working towards the same collective goals of…

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Hispanic Access Foundation connects Latinos and others with partners and opportunities to improve lives and create an equitable society.

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