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Implement Strong Methane Regulations for Healthier Texans

Sign the Letter

Oil and gas operators avoid paying taxes on wasted gas and royalties on federal land, so federal and state governments lose revenue. In 2019, the lost potential revenue amounted to $128 million. In Texas, this revenue would go to a variety of programs, including public K-12 and post secondary education, the Rainy Day Fund, and the State Highway Fund.

Letter Text

Texas Commission of Environmental Quality 
Executive Director Kelly Keel
Austin, TX

Subject: Implement Strong Methane Regulations in Texas for Public Health

As proud members of the Latino community in Texas, we respectfully ask for consideration of stronger protections and regulations regarding methane. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas over 80 times more powerful than carbon dioxide in trapping heat in our atmosphere in the short term, influencing climate change. As Earth’s climate continues to warm, extreme weather effects are rising across Texas. This includes record-breaking heat waves and droughts, intense wildfires, and intense storms such as tornadoes and hurricanes.

Oil and gas operations release methane and other pollutants such as ozone-forming volatile organic compounds and hazardous air pollutants such as benzene that affect the climate and health of residents in the great state of Texas. Exposure to these air pollutants can lead to serious health problems including respiratory problems such as asthma, cardiovascular problems such as heart disease, neurological damage, premature births and even cancer. Strengthening regulations will help safeguard our climate and communities, ensuring a healthier future for all.

Latinos in Texas are directly affected by the pollution resulting from leakage, venting, and flaring, as many of us live and work near oil and gas facilities. We strongly urge the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to prioritize rules to implement the EPA’s Methane Rule to improve air quality acrossTexas. Swift adoption of this rule is critical to safeguarding the health and lives of oil and gas workers, as well as the surrounding communities. Taking decisive action now will ensure a safer, healthier environment for everyone in Texas.

Let's defend and protect the health of our communities and our families, protect the air we breathe and contribute to the fight against climate change now.

The undersigned, 



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